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Viewing user taktik85

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Overview of My Sportsbook: Niké

Basic Information

Name: Niké
Abbreviation: NK
Currency: EUR
Commission (fee): 0%


Account balance: 0.33 EUR
Open bets: 0 (0.00 EUR)

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List of Transactions

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24H / 7D / 30D / 365D
T / TW / TM / TY
Y / LW / LM / LY
String: From: EUR

Number of records found: 29
Net: -26.08 EUR

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Time řazení nahoruTransactionNet (EUR)Action
2021-04-30 16:38:14slip ID 1187899+1.80view slip
2021-04-30 16:38:44slip ID 1187900-9.00view slip
2021-04-30 16:39:21slip ID 1187901+2.97view slip
2021-04-30 16:40:00slip ID 1187902+6.30view slip
2021-04-30 23:45:34slip ID 1188048-8.00view slip
2021-05-01 18:57:18slip ID 1188255-9.00view slip
2021-05-01 18:58:30slip ID 1188256+4.77view slip
2021-05-02 00:28:20slip ID 1188368+6.21view slip
2021-05-02 00:29:27slip ID 1188369+12.87view slip

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